What Went Down: On April 26 & 27, volunteers worked with the Red Cross Disaster Supply Inventory team to ensure they're ready to respond to disasters. SNHU community members helped to inventory and organize disaster supplies at their Concord office.
The American Red Cross of New Hampshire & Vermont serves all residents in both states - a population of more than 1.9 million people. Last year, they responded to 355 local disasters, providing food, shelter, comfort, and hope to 862 families in need, assisted in collecting 98,235 units of blood for use at hospitals region-wide, and so much more! The humanitarian mission of the American Red Cross connects us to people and communities across the nation and around the world. The common bonds of humanity and compassion unite us together, not just in the face of emergencies and disasters, but in helping our neighbors every day.
Share Your Story: Remember to use #ServeWithSNHU to join the movement and share your experience on social media throughout the event, and you can always give us more details on the Share My Story page.
Ask Questions: Community partner Marsha Haines is your volunteer project leader for this event. If you have general questions about SNHU Global Days of Service, please contact the Office of Alumni Engagement. And, check out more ways to get engaged with the SNHU community!
Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
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