What Went Down: A group of volunteers gathered on April 27, 2017, at a local Starbucks to drop off backpacks, make cards, and decorate bags for Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters. The backpacks were filled with fun items that might brighten a child's day. Leading the region in children's healthcare services, CHKD is committed to delivering excellence in quality and service. The new backpacks were then given to hospitalized children undergoing lengthy chemo or other procedures.
Share Your Story: Remember to use #ServeWithSNHU to join the movement and share your experience on social media throughout the event, and you can always give us more details on the Share My Story page.
Ask Questions: Current online student, Judy Mitchell, is your volunteer project leader for this event. She can be reached via email or phone - 757-508-2386. If you have general questions about SNHU Global Days of Service, please contact the Office of Alumni Engagement. And, check out more ways to get engaged with the SNHU community!
Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
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