What Went Down: On April 23, 2017, more than 50 SNHU volunteers met at Ragged Neck State Park and walked about a mile to the north side of the beach and cleaned their way back. Cleanup volunteers spent a few hours collecting trash and recording their findings - so this project also contributed to the long-term study on marine pollution. The group collected over 140 pounds of debris. And a few were brave enough to stick their feet in the frigid Atlantic...brrr!
Litter on the beach such as cigarettes, food wrappers, straws, and bottle caps can affect marine life, who accidentally swallow this debris or feed it to their young. Fishing line and rope, found in high numbers at cleanups each year, can entagle marine life and also harm humans. Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation gave a presentation on their research efforts and ways to help protect the marine environment all year long.
Share Your Story: Remember to use #ServeWithSNHU to join the movement and share your experience on social media throughout the event, and you can always give us more details on the Share My Story page.
Ask Questions: Alumnus, current student, and staff member Jeff Chaput '16 is your volunteer project leader for this event. If you have general questions about SNHU Global Days of Service, please contact the Office of Alumni Engagement. And, check out more ways to get engaged with the SNHU community!
Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
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