Alumni, Family and Friends
Event details: Monday, April 7, 2025 | 10 am-2 pm | Houston Food Bank (535 Portwall Houston, TX 77029)
Learn more: Around 1 million people in the 18 southeast Texas counties served by Houston Food Bank are considered food insecure, meaning they lack consistent access to enough nutritious food to fuel a healthy life. To address this issue, the Houston Food Bank distributes food and other essentials to those in need through a network of more than 1,600 community partners. Volunteers are needed to assist with meal prep work (i.e. slicing, cutting, stirring, etc.) and the packaging of hot meals for distribution to Kids Cafe sites. There are various volunteer roles and activities, so volunteers may need to be flexible and work in different areas as needed.
Participants must be 16 years or older. If space permits it, you may park in the front parking lot, but in the event of a large volunteer turnout, you may be directed to our overflow lot located behind the building. Closed-toe shoes must be worn. No bags and purses allowed. There are lockers to store bags and purses if needed. Restroom facilities on site. Water available for volunteers; snacks and food can be purchased.
Sign up: Click the button below to register for this project through the Houston Food Bank’s website.
Sign in or create an account to register. All future communications will be from the Food Bank or your project leader.
Meet your project leader: SNHU employee Desha Hill ’23G is leading this project. If you have general questions about SNHU Global Days of Service, please contact Alumni Engagement. Check out more ways to get engaged with the SNHU community!
Share your story: Remember to use #ServeWithSNHU to join the movement and share your experience on social media. Please report your hours served and provide us with more details on the Share My Story page.
Office Hours:Mon - Fri 8 am - 4:30 pm
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