Alumni, Family and Friends
In 2024, more than 1,550 volunteers contributed over 10,000 hours of service, impacting 239 organizations. If you're interested in leading a project near you in 2025, here's what you need to know:
Once you submit your form, a member of the SNHU Global Days of Service team will contact you to help you coordinate and confirm all the details. We'll make sure you're ready to lead your fellow SNHU community members in a meaningful service project that impacts your neighborhood. April 1 is the deadline for 2025 projects.
Lead a Project
Site Leader 101
Not quite sure where to start? Learn how to get involved by checking out Site Leader 101 - a hub of information to ensure you have a successful Global Days of Service project. Click the button below for more details.
If you have questions, please contact us at or 603.645.9799.
Not sure what opportunities exist? We recommend thinking about organizations in your community that are meaningful to you: shelve books at a local library, assist with a park or road clean-up or volunteer with a community event ... and then make sure to share your story so we can add you to our collective total hours served!
You can also search for projects you can join remotely or in-person on sites like AARP's Create the Good or
Visit our Site Leader Resources page, which contains your checklist of site leader tasks, important links and email drafts to help you have a smooth and successful #ServeWithSNHU project. And if you have questions at any point, please contact us at or 603.645.9799.
Office Hours:Mon - Fri 8 am - 4:30 pm
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