Alumni, Family and Friends
Name: Makenna Tucci
Class of: 2022
Program: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration w/conc. in Accounting
What I like most about SNHU, is that they are inclusive and make everyone feel at home. I also enjoy how flexible the University is when it comes to change such as COVID and taking on an online basis.
With the help of scholarships I am better able to afford schooling throughout the year as well as after college.
I would thank those who support the student scholarships, because it take a great deal for some to donate during this difficult time. With the help of scholarship donors, it makes going to college and putting the hard work all worth it.
I was able to earn a degree in what I wanted to learn more about in order to better my future in being an entrepreneur as well as to participate in the sport I love most - cheerleading.
My hope in receiving a college education is to learn more about opening my own business and how to be successful in the future. I have been very close to changing my major throughout the last couple years, which was something I wasn't expecting.
I have always wanted to open my own spa and salon or my own fitness gym with nutrition classes. In order to achieve those dreams I need to know more about being an entrepreneur.
The professors that have had the biggest influence on me, are Professor Koustas and Professor West. These teachers have both taught me to follow my dreams and to start thinking more about other majors rather than just sticking to business administration.
During my freshman year at SNHU I was a part of Love Your Melon as well as the Cheerleading team.
What I find most challenging about SNHU, is balancing my work life, with school. I deal with this by planning ahead, getting work done in advance, and writing in my planner.
I am proudest of the accomplishments that I have made at SNHU and how I have been able to find myself and what I want to do in my future. I have also been proud of being captain of the cheerleading team and being recognized as Rookie of the Year my freshman year.
I want/hope to stay involved as a SNHU alum by hopefully one day being a part of the athletic aspect of the university.
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